Content tagged with
Cooperative childrearing
Page, A. E. et al. (2021) Children are important too. Phil Trans. B.
Emmott, E. H., Myers, S. and Page, A. E. (2021) Who cares for women with children? Phil Trans. B.
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Social Support and Maternal Child Health: Guest edited issue of Phil. Trans. B.
Myers, S., Page, A. E. and Emmott, E. H., (2021) The differential role of practical and emotional support in infant feeding experience in the UK? Phil Trans. B.
Page, A. E., Emmott, E. H., and Myers, S. Testing the buffering hypothesis: breastfeeding problems, cessation and social support.
Page, A. E. et al. (2019) Testing adaptive hypotheses of alloparenting in Agta foragers. Nature Human Behaviour
Emily, E. and Page, A. E. (2019) Alloparenting. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science
Childcare, parental investment, demography and diversity
Infant feeding ideology, expectation and reality
Social support, maternal experience and infant feeding
Cooperative childrearing, health and livelihood change in the Agta hunter-gatherers
Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink